Monday, September 8, 2008

Rambo vs. Black Ninja

Those of you who have spent even a short amount of time with me and Craig have inevitably seen us have it out at one point or another. Don't get me wrong, we are madly in love, but what else could happen with two extremely stubborn people. Heads collide and we let them roll. They are (mostly) stupid things that have no relevance to our lives together and we end up laughing at them mere hours later. Yesterday was such a day as we were leaving stake conference (for you non-Mormons that is when a bunch of congregations in the area meet together to listen to the area leaders). We had just left a meeting in which we learned to be more charitable and more Christlike and as we entered the car, exploded into one of these wonderful battles. I argue like this....

With bazookas and machine guns and all out explosions. Craig on the other hand argues like this....

With stealth modes an untrained eye cannot recognize.

Thus commenced our argument. I blowing up the car with yelling and Craig sneakily taking out my feet. It's quite a site if you are ever fortunate enough to observe this theatrical event. Thus brings me to a jewel of a quote provided by my dear husband.

Speaking of our "spiritual meeting" we had just left he replied with a calm voice, "Well I am glad that you felt the spirit...(big pause)... of contention."
This was was followed by some great explosions on my part of course.

Now it is a wonderful laughing matter :)


Sasha said...

We have some of our worst fights right before church...naturally. It was a hard 4 weeks because Patric and Brad decided it would be fun to grow out nasty mustaches...

But he finally shaved it off last night!! YAY!!

So, when are we going to hang out again?? Sorry I totally blew off girls night...I'm a bit nervous with groups of girls I don't know and then I was also working on my house...we got a new kitchen!

Jenny said...

ha ha ha - glad to see some things never change! :) you go stubborn girl! i love craig's little stab with the "spirit of contention" thing. :)

Melanie said...

Hee hee- I say embrace it! Good fights make for good make ups!

leslie said...

um sasha, what do you mean girls you "don't know"? hello, ME. :)

anyway taralyn that is sooo funny... and the illustrations really make your point... maybe you should consult google images when you really need to make your case against craig's!

modestmuse said...

LOLOLOLolol!!!! That's great! Now I'm considering what characters would represent Neil & my fighting styles hahaha.

I don't know this Sasha, though she came to my wedding reception, but I'd like to get to know her -- wish she would've come to the party! I'm not THAT scary -- am I? :)

Sasha said...

Perhaps I will come to the next girls night then!! Or maybe, just maybe, I will throw one myself!

And anyone who snatched Neil up, is a friend to of these days we are going to have a BBQ!

About Stacey said...

My, what great pecs you have, Taralyn!

Gina said...

That's funny! I think I'm Rambo too! :)

Nancy and Spencer said...

Sorry Tar, but I gotta back Craig up on this one. Rambo has fire power (and possibly steroids), but ninja warriors have man power and wicked awesome skills! Plus, have you seen the preview for the NEW Rambo?? Ugh, Stallone needs to retire!

Tiffany said...

You probably lived with us long enough to realize Mike and I have our own fighting styles too! (Funny post!)