Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Everyone!
Let it Be Done
Craig recently joined a new band named Jubeus. Here is a video that they did right before he joined for a contest to play with Coldplay. I hope they win! If you want to hear more of their music you can go to www.jubeus.com
He's having a lot of fun with them and they have shows every weekend throughout the Summer.
Independent and adventurous. You don't want much; just to break out of the guilded cage society has put you in and experience life to the fullest. Following orders isn't really one of your strong points, and you would rather live a life of poverty than being forced into something that you hate.
I've had a rough well.....school year. I finished my first final of the semester this morning and needed a much needed break. I decided to listen to a bit of Johnny Cash to ground me. Wow, did it do the trick. I couldn't help but move and tap my feet. I'm sure those around me in the study room found it quite odd that in the midst of hell I was tapping my toes with my headphones on. I decided to share the wealth and post a bit on Johnny and came across this treasure. Nothing better than Johnny and the Muppets to make your day. There's more too if you need some extra pick-me up on You-Tube. I'm still smiling.
I knew I had seen Suede's skills somewhere. Thanks to Corbin for pinpointing it. Fiddler On The Roof bottle dance. She's got an early start. Soon we'll be able to add the bottle.