If you read Corbin and Alice's blog comments, and you noticed the comments by my wonderful brothers on Suede's video posting, you will realize that my brothers and I are always in a battle of the sexes. I've decided, since Zac has put his foot down on the superiority of men, I need to shake the ground that foot is placed on and open his eyes to reality. On the surface you may be thinking, "maybe men are superior. Women take their names when they marry, children take their names, they can lift heavy things...." That's about all I could come up with, but you get the idea. Women are the masters of smoke and mirrors. There are amazing things that are passed down through the generations of women, that I am now willing to unveil to prove once and for all we are the superior sex. Well, I'm not going to give away all the tricks...just a few. If I unveil all of them we could no longer be absolutely superior.
Women have known the art of persuasion throughout the beginning of time. The trick is, as my momma taught me well, to make the man feel like it was all his idea. You keep up the facade that they are the ones in power, making the important decisions, when in fact, we are the one behind the curtain. Make them FEEL like they have the power and you will in actuality have the power. All the men reading this are thinking, "I know exactly what she's doing when she's doing that," and that's the ultimate, give them snippits of downplay so they are even more blindsided when you carry out the real plans.

Now for the hard evidence....the mighty, mighty, mitochondria. For those of you that don't know what the mitochondria are, they are the power house of the cell. All energy that you use is produced by these amazing organelles. Just think hard back to that biology class and you'll remember that practically all cellular processes are coupled to these all powerful little kidney beans. What does this have to do with the superiority of women you ask. Only EVERYTHING. Men leave a lineage of names, women leave a lineage of the mighty, mighty, all powerful mitochondria. May I quote, "What's in a name?" It's just the smoke and mirrors to make the men feel good about leaving something to their children. When, in actuality the most important things are given by the female. All the mitochondria that an embryo receives is provided by the wonderful mother. The lineages can be traced back through the female lines for endless generations. We are the power behind every action and every thought. So men, next time you have a thought of being superior, remember the energy for that thought came from those wonderful female entities you have within each cell called the mitochondria. Oh, and remember when I said men can lift heavy things....all the energy required to lift those heavy things is made possible by those mighty, mighty, mitochondria.