I spent the morning in the Emergency Room with my niece and my sister-in-law, more out of curiosity than support. The Christmas season brings so many wonderful traditions and memories, some of which involve crafts (for ambitious moms like my sister-in-law). Thus the 3 cornered beads that you string on pipe cleaners come out in red and green to create beautiful ornaments. Hannah, my niece, decided to decorate her nose this morning and forced one of these oddly shaped beads up her nose so far it was hardly visible. No amount of blowing would budge it and when the pediatrician said it was too risky for them to dislodge it, we were off to the hospital. I really wondered how they would manage to free this tiny piece of Christmas cheer, so I had to go along. Plus, someone needed to take the pictures for posterity's sake. It took quite a few tries for the PA, with a nurse, a tech, and my sister-in-law restraining the 3 year old. Tis the season to make new promises, and she faithfully promised all involved she would never stick anything up her nose again. :)
Haha... I'm jealous that you got to tag along. That's top comedy. I feel guilty for saying it, because Hannah obviously wasn't happy... but dang, that was awesome.
My brother once stuck a bead up his nose so his friend "wouldn't get it" and my dad ended up retrieving it with a vacuum hose!
Poor thing. I haven't had anything stuck up a kid's nose that I couldn't retrieve yet. Knock on wood. Camille told me today that she is REALLY good at picking her nose. Ha ha
OH MY GOSH!!!! Poor thing! Her screams are really frightening, but I'm glad some pros were able to get it out. Wow.
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