1. As a comment on my blog, leave a memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you know me a little or a lot, anything you remember. If we're only blogging friends write about a post that is most memorable.
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll be sure to write one about you....either on your blog, in my comment box, or I will email you one back.
3. If the memory happens to involve my husband, please include him.
4. If you can't say something nice, don't say nothin' at all.

That's me contemplating all our memories together :)
Happy blogging!
I can' believe you put the poo memory on my blog!! :) Funny! A memory that sticks out of you is of course the time you lived with us. We loved having you. I remember every night faithfully, you and Craig would go downstairs and do Yoga. You kept telling Mike it would help his back, so one night we went down and did it with you guys. Even though I was SEVEN MONTHS PREGNANT I was more flexible than the three of you put together! Funny! I will also always remember our trip to Target to buy Valentines gifts for our husbands.............
I remember when we had that Halloween dance at a barn. You were Raggedy Ann, Nancy was like a Spring Fariy, Leilanni was a Winter fairy, I was, of course, the most beautiful as a Princess Fairy that was all-powerful over all the other faries j/k. But that was really fun. Oh, I remember when we got some old dresses that were my grandma's and we wore them to this formal Women's dinner thing. They were sequined and so ugly and everyone was staring at us like we were crazy. It was great! I always loved our Quote Wall. Were you the one that said you wanted a midget for a pet? Then we put it up high so all the midgets couldn't see it. That is classic.
I need your memory! I forgot about the grandma dresses. I did say that I wanted a midget. I forgot all about that wall! Really, I know they're people, so I just thought about building a mini house in my front yard so I could stare at them inconspicuously.
lol everyone else's memories of you are cracking me up! Which I needed! OK, we have a limited history together, and I have a terrible, borderline-Alzheimer's memory. But here goes -- remember when I got sealed to that one guy? I felt like it was the ugliest moment of my life!! I couldn't stop crying before we entered the sealing room, and I knew my face was all puffy and blotchy and ugly, and the veil tied around it wasn't helping. Anyway, I guess I should have been staring at Neil, but I kept looking past him at you. Or was it Gina? It could have been both of you. My eyes were blurry and my memory is bad. Anyway, I think it was probably creeping you and/or Gina out. There's my memory.
Ooh... so many memories. I'm just going to throw a few down now so I don't think about this all day!
One of my earliest memories of us was at my house in VA- there was a classic downpour outside, and we (being the mature 16-year-olds we were) decided to run around outside in the rain. If my memory serves, we ended up laying in the middle of the street, soaking wet and probably peeing our pants because we were laughing so hard.
And then there was the classic time that you were pulled over while we were driving down Provo Canyon, and instead of letting the officer tell you what you were doing wrong, you proceded to rip into him about how he was following you too closely, so you had no choice but to speed up and swerve around the road... somehow, you didn't get a ticket. Hilarious.
And there were the few tasty dinner dates we shared in your Orem apartment when I was looking for love, and then when Jason came around. You guys were there right at the beginning of it all!
I have about a million more, but I'll leave it at that for now!
I have a horrible memory...but I remember going running this morning, a HOT morning down to Avon drive and back. And being the good mother I am, decided that I should take my son, who was probably sick from all the bumps from the run, to the park. I walk up to the park all sweaty and see a mom with her adorable child looking at me with disgust...probably because I was sweaty and smelly...and then I took another look and it was YOU! How random! And then I borrowed your a/c for about two hours before I went back to my boiling house.
Good times! My blog is sashaandpatric.blogspot.com
My look of disgust was only in response to the fact that I saw that you had run to the park and I had been so lazy as to drive. It was an inner feeling of disgust. It was even more painful when I realized I knew you and it was even more personalized :) Thanks for rubbing it in my face Sasha! haha:)
I remember hanging out in the music office together and making funny comments, and your lovely baby shower.
I too have an awful memory but I do remember when I thought I was pregnant and didn't know what to do so I called you for your wisdom at which point you started cracking up, thanks for the moral support. JK. Thus began us hobbling around campus together and eating more and more everyday! OK Another memory is when we were both having a bad day being pregnant and we were in the office both skipping class when Bryce came in and we were both about in tears. We got the extreme crazy look.
There are probably lots more (and hopefully more to come)but these stuck out at this moment.
OK OK OK That was a fabulous trip to which I owe it all to you and your family. I have to say that before Luke got home I was so darn confused, but your right good thing everything worked out wonderfully! Remember how Max was super cool on the phone and then turned all dumb when I saw him? Ha Ha Ha man am I glad that I'm married, for many reasons...
Tar... without a doubt, my favorite memory of you is when you were pulled over and the cop asked you for your license (which you didn't have) and registration (which you ALSO didn't have!). Your reply? "But I have my phone!". ha ha ha!! I still laugh at that to this day!! :)
I have memories of Craig, but I will refrain from posting them since that was during his "bad boy" phase! :) I do remember your wedding reception though and how beautiful it was!
their are so many memories and they are all so good I love them!!!
my best memory of us is when you attended the birth of Erin we had alot of false alarms and you were their for all of them.
When it was actually time I was so out of it I had no idea how many people were in the room but I knew you were their and it made me feel so good to know that I had your support and friednship through it all.
An then their was the time we watched Heath Ledger movies all night and I fell asleep on your luv sac awwww all thoes fond memories...
Hey Girl! I tried to call you agian!!!! Your crazy hard to get a hold of! Or you just hate me now. which ever, still call me!
taralyn i really thought i wrote in on this one forever ago when you posted it but for some reason i decided to click the link... and did not see any comment from me! so i'm going to write the memory i thought i had already shared. this was in high school, one rainy night my school was playing yours in football and you were a cheerleader. i ran into you in the bathroom, just the two of us standing at the sinks/mirrors, and we did this sort of awkward hello thing because we recognized each other i guess from girls camp etc but didn't really know each other then. i thought about this years later after we became good friends! you probably don't even remember it!
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