Tuesday, October 23, 2007

More fun with Suede

Well, we hate to brag, but everyone keeps requesting pix of Suede. So here's the next batch. We only post sweet pix like these by popular demand.

Don't Throw the Baby out With the Laundry!
Remember in E.T. when he is hiding in the clothes. This is kinda like that, but a bit cuter.

Boot Scootin' Boogie

First Solid Food. Yum!


Taralyn said...

fyi craig is actually the one that posted this. he was just on my account when he did it. i just wanted to prove he is actually contributing to this blog... though it is very little.

heidi said...

you are so sweet...all i write about is kids and probably couldn't do it how you do--so you could teach me a few! its fun to see what's happening though--suede is a doll (love the ET pic)

corbin said...

It's good that she's learning early how to use her head for something. We all know women have smaller brains. It's a fact of science.

Taralyn said...

Interesting we've learned how to do more with our smaller brains than you have learned with your larger ones. Intelligence and efficiency. We are superior. Thanks for pointing that out Corbin.

Zac said...

Don't listen to him. He breathes in chemicals all day. Men are superior and that's the end of it! I'm really putting my foot down on this one.