1. I was once a closet pink lover. I was once so much of a closet pink lover I had convinced myself that I hated the color passionately. Now I've come to realize I LOVE pink, so much that I even love Craig in pink.

2. Suede is such a mini-me of Craig that I would wonder if I contributed anything to her being if it weren't for her femaleness and mitochondria, and it only grows worse the older she gets.
3. I have to hide my blogging from the study Nazi (Craig) and thus, you may deduce that he is at the moment out of the house leaving me free to blog, only for him to see my works at a later time making punishment futile.
4. I love Fall. It is my absolute favorite season in Virginia. I drive to school and get lost in the beautifully colored trees every morning. That may be why I'm late....or maybe it's the fact that Craig has to drag me out of bed every morning. Either way, I do love Fall.
5. I like to fall asleep holding Craig's hand and touching feet, thus socks on either of us while in bed gives me the heeby jeebies.
6. I love school. Absolutely love it....the hours of studying and sometimes even the stress of tests. Good thing because I'm hoping I'll get some more years of school in as a MD student.

7. I found a new hobby in spider spotting. Last weekend Craig and I went backpacking/camping in the woods and as he was spending time trying to make sure we were on the right trail in the dark, I found that the eyes of the spiders reflect back at me when I have my head lamp on. At first I thought they were water droplets because there were so many, but on closer observation they were all spiders! It was really cool. Needless to say the idea of sleeping under the stars was no more as Craig has a fear of spiders and the thought of them all over the ground made him a bit uneasy.
So there are my 7 random things... Now I shall tag.... Corbin, Alice, Chas, Lacey, Leslie, Mallory, and Joe. Lets see who really reads my blog....
Very nice. I love that we can share these things with each other... especially the spider stuff- yuck!
I thought tagging was illegal.
You forgot to say 'No tag backs' so I'll just immediately (five days later) tag you back, thus eliminating the need for me to do whatever it is you do when tagged.
Suede looks just like you! And, to quote Steven Tyler, "Pink it was love at first sight and pink gets me high as a kite..."
Oh, PS, Jamie said she's worried that you're going to drive into a tree!
Oh please, i always knew you liked pink! I remember you borrowing one of my baby pink shirts on more than one occasion. Infact, i have pictures that could have convicted your "pink loathing" as a farse long ago! You're so quarky, i just love ya (and remember, quarky is one of my favorite things to be!)
I'm so random I don't know if I can come up with anything to write... I will surely try! I need to call you today to get dates for our visit!!! Check out Ryker's new pics!!! (I'm a proud mama)
I'm wondering when you're actually going to have a conversation (or blog post, for that matter) without saying the word "mitochondria."
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